Dear Gentle Frends~
eighteen months after an horrific, life-changing accident in 2003, I traveled
to Florida to visit my family.
While there, I planned to speak at my folks' church, and surprise Dad with a tribute for
Father's Day--he'd lived through the accident with me! I'm still grateful for each
night during my recuperation that he sat at my bedside, and spoke prayers of blessings
and healing on my life.
I didn''t recall Dad ever being given an award, but God whispered to my heart it was time for Dad to be recognized. Much of what Dad had done in life to help others, he did anonymously. I sometimes learned about his charitable deeds through other people.
At first, I didn't know what to write in his honor. Then, one morning as inspiration stirred, words flowed for a wall plaque.
The pastor of his church kept my secret, and that day at the close of the service, he called Dad to the front of the church to present his gift. When the pastor unveiled the large onyx and gold engraved plaque, Dad beamed. I cried and applauded with the congregation as these words rang out through the church. The expression on Dad's face was priceless!
The Daniel Award
To God's Faithful Servant, Daniel ____
Loving Dad, Grandpa, Husband, Son and Brother
Loving Dad, Grandpa, Husband, Son and Brother
In Recognition for a Lifetime of Being a Good Samaritan
For giving to the poor and needy,
for feeding the hungry, for providing shelter and care
to widows, orphans, and the least of these
For supporting ministries locally and abroad,
for providing missions with pastors, a place to worship,
and thousands of Bibles
For sharing the Good News as an
"Everyday Missionary," even on the bench!
Thank you for blessing the lives of countless people
with your generosity and love for God's kingdom
Presented on June 12, 2005
at Bayshore Baptist Church
with Admiration and Love
Barbie and Family
Matthew 5:16
I thank God that I presented an award of recognition for dear dad. I love you, Dad. You're my hero! Happy, Happy Father's Day!
In what ways have you honored your dad, and the men in your life for Father's Day?
All Gifts by Grace,