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Saturday, January 7, 2012 • Zeke Lam
A Surrendered Life
Dear Gentle Reader ~
Thank you for stopping by Gifts by Grace today. Please welcome guest blogger and author, Zeke Lam, as he shares his heart and his new book, subMission: heeding only His voice. Please leave us a thought or two. We love hearing from you!

Biblical Submission

The idea of submission is both challenging and vulnerable. Whether it be as a child or teenager, the very moment we begin to develop opinions of our own, the struggle to submit begins. Why? Well, to borrow a saying from friends at Burger King, we want to "have it our way". This struggle takes place between parents and children, husbands and wives, bosses and employees, and must unfortunately it occurs among Christians between us and our Lord.

Submission makes us feel vulnerable. We feel like we are letting down our guard and letting another person control aspects of our life that belongs to us. Therefore, we either refuse to consent or we obey begrudgingly. As we dissect this truth concerning submission, it is critical that we keep in mind that the core of the issue is clearly a spiritual battle. The enemy and our flesh know how powerful the Christian life can be when we operate under Biblical submission. In other words, when you and I properly submit to our authority, the enemy is frightened because we are aligning our lives in proper order to see the power of Christ magnified through us.

Yes, first and foremost, our commitment is submission to the commands, leading, and voice of the Father. This is clearly taught in the Scripture; for example: Romans 13:1-7 discusses subjecting ourselves to authority yet ultimately it revolves around subjecting yourself to God. Whether it is parents or governmental officials, God establishes all authority on this earth, and when we obey His command to submit to them, we submit to Him.

Properly aligning the authority in our lives leads to a level of Biblical submission that will look strange to this world. It is just not popular in our society. This world equates submission with weakness. This could not be further from the truth!

I have spent years of my life trying to control my direction. It created a life filled with frustration. Until I relinquished to the voice of God, I did not get to experience the fullness of Christ in my life. In order to properly submit to Jesus Christ, I had to drop all my securities and desires and fall back into His arms. Everyone around me thought I was going crazy and making very un-wise decisions. Little did they know that one step of obedience was going to radically alter my family's life.

This brief testimony leads me to the final area I want to address in relation to Biblical submission, which happens to be the theme of my first book. Submission to the leading to our Lord is the most critical move we can ever make. Personally, I did not have an issue with submitting to earthly authorities as directed in God's Word. My struggle was being willing to trust and release fully to His voice. If we would be willing, you and I can learn the most valuable lesson in life from perhaps the dumbest animal on the planet.

Read John chapter 10. Despite their complete inability to provide for themselves, sheep have grasped a principle that we desperately need: they follow only to the voice of their shepherd. In addition to following his voice, they quickly flee any strange or threatening voices. If Christians today would operate in this fashion, a level of submission would manifest in our lives that would change this world!
More about the book and author ~~~    
Prepare to be stirred by this authentic calling to return to Scriptural obedience.

-Pastor Gabe Turner, The Point Church of Charlottesville, Virginia

In my opinion Zeke has laid his finger on the defining message for our time. This message is essential for believers everywhere…

-Eric Stephens, Pastor of Life Changing Ministries and Fellowship in Sugarland, Texas
What is the greatest challenge that the Church is facing today? Zeke Lam suggests that one word is the greatest challenge: submission, or the lack thereof. It is not external forces that nullify the testimony of a Christ-centered believer, but rather the failure to humbly submit to the voice of the Lord. This book will help you to live a surrendered life abiding in Christ.
Ø Is the approval of God more important to you than the approval of man?
Ø Is the presence of God evident in your life?
Ø Do you fiercely protect your intimacy with Christ?
Ø Do you desire to live a life of truth, free from the lies of the devil?
Ø Is God's divine character visible to those around you?
Learn how to submit your life wholeheartedly to the Lord so that you can dwell continually in the secret place-a place of intimacy, surrender and joy.

ZEKE LAM is the founder of SUBMISSION Ministries-a ministry devoted to seeing lost souls encounter God and live lives fully surrendered to the risen Christ. A graduate of Liberty University, Zeke's deep passion for following Christ's will has led him through many years of youth ministry and itinerant evangelism. Both of these experiences have enriched and fueled his desire to hand others the keys to a Christ-centered life. Zeke resides in Virginia with his beautiful wife, Kathleen, and a growing family of future world-changers.
ISBN-13 978-1-9374-8100-1
ISBN-10 1-9374-8100-X
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Visitor Comments (1)

Thanks, Zeke!

You have an amazing testimony and book! I'm honored to have you on my blog today. Many blessings! Barbara

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