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Saturday, November 6, 2010 • Barbara Parentini
Guest Author Interview
Dear Gentle Readers~


I'd like to welcome Jill Kemerer to my Blog today.  Jill's journey to become a published romance author is an inspiration to us all. 


Jill, tell our readers a little about yourself.


Thanks for inviting me here today, Barbara. I'm enjoying a beautiful, mild fall up in Michigan where I reside with my husband and children. My writing kicks into high gear this time of year with the kids in school, but I schedule sanity breaks by volunteering at school and meeting local writer friends.

When did you know you wanted to be a writer?

As a kid, I devoured every book I could find. Reading has been my passion for as long as I can remember, but I never considered writing a full length novel until I turned twenty. It didn't occur to me until years later that I could actually write for a living. To me, authors were like Hollywood stars. However, when my oldest child was born, I quit my job as an electrical engineer and decided writing would be my next career. When my youngest entered pre-school, I joined a local writing group, and two years later, I began writing full time.

I noticed your tagline mentions sparkling romance-what is that? When did you begin your journey as a writer of Christian romance?


These are great questions. My books are emotional but not heavy. They have a lighthearted bounce to them that I could only describe as "sparkling." The first four novels I wrote were not geared to the Christian community, and I always felt something was missing-the faith element. I've been a Christian my entire life, and God's Word affects everything I do. It only seemed natural my characters would act out of faith too.


Is there any particular reason why you chose romance over other genres? Who has inspired your writing the most?

I've never considered writing any genre other than romance because they are my favorite books to read. Plus, many romance authors have inspired me and continue to today. Jane Austen and the Bronte sisters wrote amazing characters. I have so many current favorites, I couldn't name them all! You do not want to see my to-be-read pile. It's a mountain!

What special quality do you want readers to find in your writing and romances?

I hope readers of my books feel inspired to live with integrity. My characters are everyday people; they struggle with insecurities, friendships, and family issues, but in the end, they take the right path, although it isn't always easy.

Where are you now in your writing journey? Are you shopping publishers or agents?

Well, my writing journey recently took an exciting turn. I just signed with agent Rachel Kent of Books & Such Literary Agency. I'm thrilled to be represented by such a respected agency in the Christian literary world, and I'm honored Rachel took me on as her client.

That is so exciting!  Congratulations, Jill!  I have to ask, have you begun another book?

Yes, I'm plotting the next book in the Almost Sisters series. All three books are contemporary romance novels set in Fredericksburg, Virginia, and they revolve around a trio of best girlfriends. Each of these ladies has a big obstacle to overcome on the way to love, but they're blessed to find just the right man to make it worthwhile.

Is there anything else you would like your readers to know?  Please share how they may contact you.

For more information about my books, check out my website, and for a quick pick-me-up, stop by my blog http://jillkemerer.blogspot/ where I offer motivation and encouragement.

Again, I had so much fun here today. I'm so glad we connected, Barbara. Thank you for the interview!


You're welcome, Jill.  It's been my pleasure to feature you here at Gifts by Grace.  We'll be looking forward to reading your sparkling romance series.  Many blessings on your writing projects.


Well, readers, see you here next month for another exciting author interview.  I'm delighted you stopped by today.






Visitor Comments (5)

Great interview ladies!

Thanks Jill for adding more joy to the journey for christian romance novels!
Thanks Barb for another great author interview!

Great interview ladies! :)

Great interview Barb! Thanks for sharing the JOY on your journey Jill!:) ~Blessing~

Thanks Robin!

I'm delighted that you stopped by. I know Jill will be pleased, as well. Hope you'll come back to visit me at Gifts by Grace!

Great interview, Barbara and Jill!

I enjoyed being here at your place, Barbara. I love Jill and was excited to read that you had her over for a guest post. Jill, I loved reading about your books and the lighthearted bounce they have. I can't wait until I can actually SPEND MONEY on one. Thanks again ladies for a lovely interview. Question Jill, were you nervous when you got THE call? :)

Thank you, Barbara!

Again, I had such a fun time being interviewed by you. Thank you so much for including me on your lovely, uplifting blog. Blessings to you, Barbara!

I'll be checking in over the next few days. If anyone has a question for me, I'll be happy to respond.

Jill Kemerer

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