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Sunday, October 3, 2010 • Barbara Parentini
Celebration for Jody Hedlund's Book Release!
Dear Gentle Readers~


I'm excited to introduce you to Jody Hedlund, an amazing author and writing friend, whose first novel debuts this week! Jody's and my online writing circles intersected, and I've followed her Blog for writers for quite some time. I particularly appreciate Jody's ability to share insightful and valuable instruction for writers in a refreshing, authentic style. Her Blog is a staple on my writing journey. Whether you're a writer, or a reader of great novels, you'll find Jody's heart reflected in her words. I'm delighted to welcome her to Gifts by Grace.


Jody, tell us a little about your writing journey.

My writing journey started in utero. And I was born clutching a pen in one hand and a paper in the other. J

No seriously, I've always loved writing and I believe it's the way God's wired me, but I didn't begin pursuing a writing career until after I'd graduated with my Masters in Social Work. At that time, I was only able to find a part time job due to a glut in the job market. I was newly married and without children, and so I had plenty of time to learn about writing techniques, and to practice, practice, practice.

I wrote approximately five books during those early years. I now refer to them as my "growing books." I know writers often get discouraged thinking about putting time and effort into books that may never sell. But I look at my early unpublishable books as the stepping stones that brought me to where I'm at today.

I took a long break from writing during the years when I was busy having babies and changing diapers. The Preacher's Bride is the first book I wrote after I came back from that hiatus.

Your first novel The Preacher's Bride just released from Bethany House. Can you share some highlights about your book and about your experience as a debut novelist?

The Preacher's Bride finaled in a national fiction writing contest and that was the impetus the book needed to gain attention. Shortly after the final, I was able to land my agent, Rachelle Gardner, and within three months she wrapped up a three book contract with Bethany House Publishers which included The Preacher's Bride and two additional books.

It's been an exciting whirlwind year since I signed the contract. But The Preacher's Bride is finally hitting shelves. I recently held a Book Release Party with my local community and had a wonderful time celebrating with friends.

I've also been doing some major partying over on my blog this past month. I've been giving away one copy of my book each week. And I've been posting "First Sighting" pictures of people with their first sights of my book. So far, it's been a really fun debut!

Is there anything you wish you'd known or done differently on the road to publication?

It's probably a good thing I didn't know exactly how much work the whole publication process involved! There are times when I'm overwhelmed trying to juggle the duties of a professional writing career along with the responsibilities that come from having a large family and homeschooling. But so far, God keeps giving me the time and the strength to tackle each new day and experience.

Do you have plans for a second book?

I have already turned in my second contracted book to my publisher and am now in the editing stages. It's slotted for release in September of 2011 and is titled The Doctor's Lady.

What advice would you offer writers who are climbing the uphill road to publication?

Writing is like any other profession: we can't succeed unless we achieve mastery of the subject. And how does one achieve writing mastery? We need to learn everything we can about the craft of writing and then put it into practice. In other words, learn, learn, learn. Write, write, write. Repeat ad infinitum.


Thank you so much for your interview, Jody. All my wishes for success with your new book, and for your dreams of many wonderful books to follow.  God bless you! 


Please don't forget to leave your comments. You'll be entered into the drawing for a free copy of Jody's book. The winner will be posted here October 13th, so check back next week. We love hearing from you!


Jody Hedlund is a debut historical romance novelist who was a double finalist in the 2009 ACFW Genesis Contest. She received a bachelor's degree from Taylor University and a master's from the University of Wisconsin, both in Social Work. Currently she makes her home in Midland, Michigan, with her husband and five busy children.

She's represented by agent Rachelle Gardner and her debut book, The Preacher's Bride, released in Oct. 2010 and is available online and in most bookstores. Stop by her blog, Author, Jody Hedlund, where she chronicles her journey to publication and dispenses her two-cent writing wisdom.



Visitor Comments (16)

Thanks, Shelley!

Thanks for stopping by my Blog; and for your kind words and wishes on Jody's new book.

So Happy to See New Writers Published

Congratulations on the debut of your book and on your 3 book contract. You must be walking on air! And now the fullfillment begins....:)

Best wishes to you, Jody.

Shelley Webb

Thanks, Lynn

Thank you for stopping by, Lynn~

So grateful this story gave you hope. Barbara

Your journey gives hope . . .

Your story gives a new writer hope to continue the journey through the publishing world. Thanks to you both for sharing your story.


Thanks for your delightful message!

Donna, thanks a million! Your words are music to my ears. I'm thrilled that you met Jody Hedlund here! The Preacher's Bride is on sale now, so please let Jody know your thoughts when you finish reading her novel.

Also, I appreciate your kindness about my writing. I'm truly humbled that you should learn something each time you visit my Blog. Another gift by grace... God bless you, Barbara

Thanks, Joan!

Joan, thank you for visiting Jody and me for her interview at Gifts by Grace. Your interest is our gift. Blessings! Barbara

So glad you stopped by, Mid!

Thanks for your kind words--so appreciated! Barbara

Bravo & Hooray!

Thanks Barb, for introducing me to a new author and writing friend! I love to read! So, whenever there is a promising new author with such accolades immediately out-of-the-gate I'm interested! Can't wait to get my hands on a copy of Jody Hedlund's first book, The Preacher's Bride! I feel as though I have a personal insider’s view of Jody’s journey and determination through your interview, love that connection. Also, Barb,I enjoy reading your work and learn something every time I visit your blog. Thank you, thank you!

Donna Buice


Congrats, Jody. I'd love to read your new book. Glad you joined forces with Rachelle at WordServe. I'm with Greg Johnson at WordServe. Thanks for the interview, Barb! Joan C. Webb


I think I wrote Judy instead of Jody. I can barely see to write... my apologies!!

A writer's heart

thank you, Barb, for inviting me here...and thank you to Judy for taking the time to share with us...I always love hearing how other authors are doing. Blessings! Mid

AMAZING! Posted by Suzannah Freeman

"Jody and Barb, thank you so much for doing this interview. I'm always amazed when I think about you, Jody, and how you manage writing, family, and homeschooling! I only have two children at the moment, but one of them is only 10-months-old, so I'm still at that difficult stage for finding time to write. By the grace of God, this year I have managed to write 60,000 words of a novel, maintain my regular blog posting schedule, and tackle a few freelance assignments. But, I'm always inspired by your own writing life and the knowledge that one day I might be able to accomplish more. When frustrated mothers ask me how they can find time to write, I always direct them straight to your blog :) Thanks again, and all the best with your book!" Suzannah Freeman

I personally entered your post to us, Suzannah. For some unknown reason, it would not leave the email file! Barbara

Congratulations Jody!

Thanks Barb and Jody for sharing the inpsiration with us!
"I look at my early unpublishable books as the stepping stones that brought me to where I'm at today."- This proves once again, that nothing is every wasted and God can use it all for His glory


Thanks for sharing your journey with us! This was an enlightening post to give us a little insight on your thoughts and process. It truly is a journey of learning and writing on a consistent basis. I write a thought for the day that is e-mailed to approx. 150 ladies every morning and I've just started dibbling with a few ideas for potential books so I am encouraged by reading this post.

Thanks, Vonda!

You know so well the commitment it takes to stay on this writing journey. Thanks for stopping by. I've entered you into the drawing! Barbara

Congratulations Jody and Barb!

Great post! Thank you for sharing your journey with us, Jody. Writers need to understand this is truly a journey of work and dedication. And yes, learning...learning...learning and writing...writing...writing. :-) And thank you, Barbara, for the informative interview. What a blessing you are to share your knowledge and experience with others.

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