Dear Gentle Readers~
Mother's Day is Sunday, May 13th, and I want to share a special announcement to honor my mom.
For over two years, my mother has been the primary caregiver for Dad. I've watched her struggle with fatigue and frustration, dilemmas and despair.
Mom's faithful care of Dad inspired a new Soaring Hearts card that will be available this year.
If you know a caregiver who needs a ray of hope, please consider sharing a few moments of kind appreciation with them.
Caregivers often feel alone and forgotten, that no one cares about the growing challenges they face each day.
I've included a peek of the Caregivers' card here. The outside of the card will share~
Blessings for a Special Caregiver
On the inside of the caregiver's card, Proverbs holds a promise~
Her children rise up and call her blessed;
Her husband also, and he praises her:
Her husband also, and he praises her:
Proverbs 31:28 NKJV
This poem will grace the page~
A caregiver's heart whispers kindness each day,
Endures trials with courage
and prays for a way,
To bring laughter to sorrow
and comfort to pain,
Shines Light in the darkness
and sunshine through rain.
A caregiver's heart says, "I love you."
My warmest wishes for a Happy Mothers' Day!
And for all of you mothers who are caregivers as well, may you be showered with special blessings.
This card is lovingly dedicated to my mother. God bless you, Mom.
All Gifts by Grace~
#caregivers #mothers #soaringheartscards